Dog Training In Missouri City

There are many options for dog training in Missouri City. It’s easy to discover a wide range of classes, one-on-one trainers, and even online courses to consider.

Dog training is great with addressing a range of behavioral issues with dogs. Properly trained dogs are easier to control, are generally more comfortable around other dogs and people, and have more pleasant temperament.

The following is a collection of the best dog training services located in Missouri City.

Why Take Dog Training Classes?

Dogs can develop many different types of undesired behaviors, and dog training classes may help with correcting these behaviors. Below are several common issues:

  • Extreme licking
  • Jumping on table
  • Ignoring the owner
  • Excessive chewing
  • Potty training
  • Nipping and mouthing
  • Aggression

Dog Training Options

There are many different types of dog training classes available in Missouri City. Choosing the right option depends on the age of your dog and the individual needs of your dog.

Obedience Training Classes

The most common type of training is dog obedience training. During obedience training, your dog learns to pay attention to you and respond to basic commands. The most common commands and tricks that are taught in obedience school are sit, stay, come, and down. Classes are offered in both in-person and online formats.

Puppy Training

Puppy training classes are one of the most beneficial classes you can take for a new puppy’s well-being. They are a great way to get your puppy used to other humans and dogs, and unfamiliar environments. During puppy classes, you will learn the basics of behavioral issues and obedience training in a four to six week course.

Board & Train

This type of dog training involves the dog living with the dog trainer for around 2-4 weeks. Throughout this time, the dog trainer will work individually with your dog to address any behavioral problems and help them become well behaved dogs. Once board and training has been completed, it’s important to keep working on skills that the trainer focused on.

In-Home Dog Training

At-home or in-home dog training is preferred for many owners that want to train their dog but are unable to join in-person. Owners can select the structure of training.

Agility Training Classes

Agility training is a type of dog sport that focuses on teaching dogs to navigate an obstacle course efficiently and quickly. Agility training helps keep your dog mentally stimulated and active while bonding with your dog.

Clicker Training Classes

Clicker training is a method of operant conditioning where the dog associates a clicking sound with a positive reinforcement, like as a toy or treat. It’s simple to use and many dog trainers recommend clicker training.

Obedience Trial Classes

Obedience Trial is a great dog sport in which the owner leads their dog through a set of specific commands. These trials are typically held by dog organizations such as kennel clubs, and a judge oversees the performance. Obedience trials have three types – Novice, Open, and Utility. Trials begin at the novice level, and are organized to ease in the handler and dog to the sport. Open obedience trials are more complex and require the dog to perform more difficult exercises. Utility trials are the most challenging, and test you and your dog’s ability to complete a large number of activities.

Protection Training Classes

Protection training is a form of dog training which teaches on protecting you and your family. Training may be helpful for dog owners that live in areas with high crime levels or are worried about their personal safety.

Tracking Classes

Tracking is a way of teaching dogs to track a scent. Dogs naturally want to track smells, making tracking training a fun hobby for both dogs and dog owners and give them some a way to burn mental energy. Tracking competitions are popular for certain breeds of dogs including but not limited to basset hounds, Labrador retrievers and pointers