Dog Training In Salem

There are several options for dog training in Salem. You can find a wide range of classes, private trainers, and even online options to consider.

There are many studies that indicate dog training is a good idea for both you and your dog. Starting a dog training program is a great way to socialize your dog and to learn basic obedience skills.

If you’re searching for dog training services in Salem, take a look at the options below.

Issues Dog Training Fixes

Dogs can develop unwanted behaviors, and dog training classes may help to correct these issues. Common behavioral problems include:

  • Fearfulness
  • Aggression
  • Running away
  • Barking excessively
  • Not coming when called
  • Potty training

Types of Dog Training

There are many types of dog training to choose from in Salem. Choosing the ideal option mostly depends on the age of your dog and the individual needs of your dog.

Puppy Classes

It’s ideal to start training when they’re puppies. Puppy classes can provide a foundation for future training instruction and help socialize your puppy in an ideal setting during a crucial time of their life. Puppy classes will cover fundamental obedience commands such as sit, stay, and come and may work on house training.

Obedience Classes

The most common type of training is dog obedience training. Dogs who take obedience training classes are more likely to be well-behaved and build a lifelong connection with their owner. The most basic tricks and commands that are taught in obedience training are sit, stay, come, and down. It’s never too late to start obedience training and all dogs can benefit from obedience classes.

In-Home Dog Classes

In-home or at-home dog training is ideal for owners who wish to train their dog but cannot commit to going to a group class. Dog owners have the freedom to select the specific type of skills taught in classes.

Board and Train

This type of dog training involves sending your dog to live with a trainer for a specific amount of time – typically about 2 to 4 weeks. The trainer will focus on obedience training and behavior modification throughout this time. Board and training programs are usually very successful and typically have high success rates, but they may be expensive.

Agility Training Classes

Agility dog training is a form of dog sport that teaches your dog to navigate a course efficiently and quickly. Agility training keeps your dog mentally active and stimulated while building a strong bond with your dog.

Group Training

Group training is a great way to socialize your dog and getting them used to being around other people and dogs. Classes are often found at parks, pet shops, or public venues.

Obedience Trial Classes

Obedience Trials are a fun sport in which dogs must perform specific obedience skills based on your commands. The trial is set up to test the owner’s control of the dog, as well as the dog’s responsiveness and obedience. There are three types – Novice, Open, and Utility. Training begins at the novice level, and are designed to welcome you and your dog to obedience trials. Open trials are more difficult and require the dog to demonstrate more challenging exercises. Utility trials are the most difficult, and test you and your dog’s ability to complete a wider range of skills.

Protection Classes

Protection training teaches dogs to protect you and your family. Training may be helpful for owners of dogs that live in high-crime regions or who are concerned about their own safety.