Dog Training In Union

The city of Union is home to a wide range of dog training programs and courses. From dog obedience training to online classes, there are programs for every dog.

Dog training is great for addressing many different behavioral issues that your dog may have. Starting dog training classes is a great way for socializing your dog while learning the basics of obedience commands.

Below is a list of all dog trainers in Union.

Common Behavioral Issues

It’s common for dogs to display many different types of undesired behaviors, and dog training can help to correct these problems. Common behavioral issues include:

  • Jumping on visitors
  • Destructiveness
  • Running away
  • Nipping
  • Aggression
  • Leash pulling

Types of Dog Training

There are many different types of dog training options that are available in Union. Selecting the ideal option depends on the age of your dog and what you are interested in getting out of the course.

Puppy Training

Puppy classes are one of the most helpful classes you can take for your new puppy’s well-being. They are a great way to socialize your puppy with people and dogs, and unfamiliar settings. Puppy classes will focus on the most basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, and come when called and may work on house training.

Obedience Training Classes

The most well-known type of training is dog obedience training. Dogs who go through obedience training are better behaved and build a lifelong connection with their owners. All providers teach basic commands and tricks like sit, stay, come, and down. Obedience training will help dogs of all ages should continue throughout a dog’s lifetime.

Agility Training

Agility training is a type of dog training that focuses on teaching dogs to navigate a course efficiently and quickly. Agility training helps keep your dog mentally active and stimulated while connecting with your dog.

Board & Train

This type of dog training requires having your dog live with a trainer for a set amount of time, typically 2-4 weeks. During board and training, the trainer works individually with your dog to focus on specific behavioral problems and help them become well behaved dogs. Once the dog has finished training, it’s critical to continue practicing skills learned.

In-Home Dog Training Classes

In-home or at-home dog training is ideal for owners who want to train their dog but cannot commit to attending group classes. In-home classes also enables the dog trainer to set up the training based on specific needs of your owner and dog.

Group Training

A group class is a great way for working with your dog in an ideal setting around unfamiliar dogs and people. Group training classes can be located at dog parks, pet stores, or other public locations.

Behavioral Classes

Behavioral modification will aim to address specific behavioral issues dogs have. Behavioral modification can provide help for dogs that display aggression, separation anxiety, or socialization issues.

Clicker Classes

This is a positive reinforcement method where a clicker produces a noise at an exact time to indicate desired behaviors. It’s simple to learn and many dog trainers recommend clicker training.