Dog Training In Florissant

There are several options for dog training in Florissant. You can find many training classes, private trainers, and even online resources to consider.

A dog training program provides a wide range of advantages for you and your dog. Signing up for dog training is a great way for socializing your dog and to learn fundamental obedience skills.

The following is a list of all dog training providers in Florissant.

Common Behavioral Issues

Dog training is the right solution for addressing many different behavioral issues including:

  • Pulling on a leash
  • Jumping on visitors
  • Excessively barking
  • Ignoring the owner
  • Excessive chewing
  • Counter surfing

Types of Dog Training Classes

There are a number of types of dog training programs to choose from in Florissant. Selecting the ideal option largely depends on the age of your dog and the specific needs of your dog.

Obedience Classes

It’s a great for all dogs to enroll in obedience training for many different reasons. Dogs who take obedience classes are better behaved and build a strong connection with their owner. Your dog will learn common obedience commands including sit, stay, down, and come It’s never too late to start obedience training and dogs of any age can learn from obedience classes.

Puppy Classes

It’s great to begin training your dog while they are still young. They help start with basic commands, and socialize your dog. During puppy classes, you’ll learn the fundamentals of obedience training and issues in a four to six week class.

Service Dog Classes

Service dog training is a method of dog training where dogs learn to carry out specific tasks that assist individuals with disabilities. Service dogs will be trained to do many different tasks, such as providing assistance to a person that is blind, or assisting someone use their wheelchair. Most trainers that provide service dog training are highly specialized and they usually only provide therapy dog training classes and service dog classes.

In-Home Dog Training

At-home or in-home dog training is ideal for dog owners who wish to train their dogs but cannot commit to attending group classes. It also allows trainers to set up the courses to the specific wishes of your dog and owner.

Agility Training

Agility dog training is a type of dog training which focuses on teaching dogs to navigate an obstacle course quickly and efficiently. Agility training keeps your dog mentally active and stimulated while building trust with your dog.

Behavioral Classes

A behavioral modification program looks to address specific behavioral traits a dog may have. Behavioral modification can provide help for dogs with aggressive personalities, social anxiety, or socialization issues.

Protection Training

Protection training is a method of dog training that focuses on guarding and protecting a person or thing. Training can be helpful for dog owners who reside in high-crime regions or who are worried about their own personal safety.

Group Training

Taking a group training class is great for socializing your dog and getting them used to being around unfamiliar people and dogs. Group training classes are typically held at a public venue like a pet store or park.

Clicker Training

Clicker training is a popular positive reinforcement training method. A clicker makes a noise to indicate good behaviors. It can be used to train dogs for a variety of behaviors, such as obedience, tricks, and even agility.