Dog Training In Urbandale

There are several options for dog training in Urbandale. It’s easy to find a wide range of classes, at-home dog trainers, and even online classes to pick from.

Dog training classes are perfect for addressing many different behavioral issues with dogs. Properly trained dogs are easier to control, are safer around other dogs and humans, and have more pleasant personalities.

Below is a collection of all dog training providers located in Urbandale.

Problems Dog Training Addresses

It’s common for dogs to display unwanted behaviors, and dog training may help with correcting these issues. Below are several common behavioral issues:

  • Nipping
  • Jumping on visitors
  • Pulling on a leash
  • Excessive energy
  • Excessive barking
  • High anxiety

Dog Training Options

Below are several of the most common dog training options in Urbandale. Choosing the right option largely depends on the age of your dog and the individual needs of your dog.

Puppy Training

It is ideal to start dog training when they’re puppies. They create a foundation for future obedience training instruction and help socialize your puppy in a positive environment during an important period of their development. Most puppy will cover fundamental obedience commands such as come, sit, and stay and work on potty training.

Basic Obedience Training

It is a good idea for all dogs to enroll in obedience classes for many different reasons. Obedience training teaches your dog to pay attention to you and do what you say. Obedience classes will begin with the most basic commands and slowly progress to more complex skills. Training can be completed at a dog training facility however many owners choose to do obedience training online.

Agility Classes

Agility training is a type of dog training that focuses on teaching your dog to navigate an obstacle course quickly and efficiently. Agility training helps keep your dog active and mentally stimulated while bonding with your dog.

Board and Train Programs

This type of dog training requires sending your dog away to live with a trainer for a set amount of time, typically 2 to 4 weeks. Your trainer will work with the dog on obedience training and behavior modification during the course. Once board and training has been completed, it’s important to keep practicing behaviors learned.

Service Dog Training

Service dog training is a method of dog training where dogs learn to carry out services for helping individuals with disabilities. Trained service dogs can do a variety of tasks, such as providing help to a person that is deaf, or helping someone use a wheelchair. Most dog trainers that provide service dog training are specialized and typically only provide service dog training and therapy dog training.

Behavioral Training Classes

Behavioral modification training will look to solve specific behavioral traits dogs have. Behavioral modification may provide help for dogs who display aggressive tendencies, high levels of anxiety, or social skill issues.

Protection Training Classes

Protection training classes teach dogs to protect owners and property from threats. Training can be beneficial for owners of dogs who reside in areas with high crime levels or who are concerned about their safety.

Clicker Classes

Clicker training is a method of operant conditioning where your dog associates a clicker’s noise with a treat or toy or some other positive reinforcement. Clicker training is often used for training dogs for many different tasks, such as obedience, tricks, and even agility.