Dog Training In Skokie

There are several options for dog training in Skokie. You can locate a wide range of in-person classes, private trainers, and even online resources to pick from.

A dog training program has many advantages for both you and your dog. Enrolling in a dog training program is a fantastic way to socialize your dog and to learn fundamental obedience skills.

Below is a collection of all dog trainers in Skokie.

Why Sign Up For Dog Training Classes?

Dogs can develop poor behaviors, and dog training can help with correcting these issues. Common issues include:

  • Needless barking
  • Hyperactivity
  • Mouthing and nipping
  • Not listening
  • Housebreaking
  • Jumping on table

Types of Dog Training Classes

Below are some of the most common dog training classes in Skokie. Choosing the right type mostly depends on the temperament of the dog and the individual needs of your dog.

Obedience Training

It is a good idea for all dogs to enroll in obedience training for a variety of reasons. Not only will obedience training make your life easier as a dog owner, but it will also help keep your dog under control at all times. Some common commands and tricks that are taught in obedience training include “sit”, “stay”, “down”, and “come”. Young and old dogs will learn from obedience training should never stop throughout the dog’s lifetime to keep up with good behavior.

Puppy Training

Puppy classes are one of the most beneficial things you can do for a new puppy’s well-being. Puppy classes help get your dog comfortable with other humans and puppies, and unfamiliar environments. During puppy classes, you and your dog will learn the basics of obedience training and issues in a four to six week program.

Agility Training Classes

Agility dog training is a type of dog training which focuses on teaching your dog to quickly navigate a course with efficiency. Agility training keeps your dog mentally active and stimulated while creating a strong connection with your dog.

Board & Train

Board and training requires the dog living with your trainer for around 2 to 4 weeks. During board and training, the trainer will work one-on-one with your dog to address any behavioral issues and help them learn obedience commands. Once training has been completed, they’ll return home to your care.

Service Dog Classes

Service dog training is a type of dog training that trains dogs to carry out services for helping individuals with disabilities. Many breeds of dogs can be trained to be service dogs, but the most common service dog breeds are Labrador retrievers and golden retrievers. The majority of trainers who provide service dog training are specialized and they usually only provide therapy dog training and service dog training.

Obedience Trial Classes

Obedience Trial is a exciting dog sport in which the owner guides a dog through a set of specific exercises. Obedience trial is set up to evaluate the dog handler’s control of their dog, as well as assessing the dog’s responsiveness and obedience. The demonstrated skills vary depending on the level of competition, but likely include heeling, posture, and retrieving.

Protection Classes

Protection training classes teach dogs how to protect owners and property from threats. Training may be helpful for owners of dogs that live in high-crime areas or are worried about their own personal security.

Group Training Classes

Taking a group training class is great for socializing your dog and getting them used to being around unfamiliar dogs and people. Group training will be organized at parks, pet shops, and public venues.

Behavioral Training

Behavioral modification looks to fix certain behavioral issues dogs have. Behavioral modification may help dogs who have aggression, high levels of anxiety, or social skill problems.